Retreat Packages
Here are our pricing packages. Prices are subject to change based on retreat location costs and excursion activities. If you are facing financial hardship and would like to participate please us know so we can determine if sponsorship funds are available. If you have any questions please call us at (864) 367-6683 or email us at
Package A $1200.00 per person for 5 days
Luxury Room with in suite bath
Catered inhouse Meals
Full Access to all workshops offered -16 sessions
Physical Wellness Sessions ( Fitness Education , Yoga , Nutrition Coaching )
Booking of activities while enjoying the retreat
Package B- Mix and Match (If you can't attend the full Retreat)
Your choice of days, seminars , and activities
Seminars - $75 per session
Catering - $50 per day
Private Rooms per night $ 150 private room overnight
Shared Rooms $80 per person per night two occupants
Bunk Rooms - $50per person multiple Occupants
Wellness Activities - $75 per session
​Entertainment Activities - Price set by vendor
Package C= Virtual Engagement
For those who wish to engage live with us via Zoom there is a $25 technical assistance fee added.
Seminars - $75 per session
Wellness Activities - $75 per session
Payments and Registrations
To register, please fill out the boxes below and type which package you would like to attend. You will receive an email with payment instructions. We take Venmo, Cash App, and Zelle . We will also invoice you for the balance due if necessary. All final payments are due 30 days prior to the event after which itineraries will be emailed to you. If you are facing financial hardship and would like to participate, please let our us know so we can determine if sponsorship funds are available.
Enjoy getting to know the best parts of you